The first time I heard of Net Zero was when The Paris Agreement was signed in 2015. For a while, it was the talk of the town everywhere.

The Paris Agreement is an international treaty signed by 195 countries in 2015. Countries have agreed to reduce emissions by 45% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.

As part of this Paris Agreement, countries, companies, and other organizations have committed to reducing emissions and have developed action plans to achieve this goal. They are regularly reporting on their progress and taking steps to cut emissions on a regular basis. 

Now, let's aim to understand as individuals, what are the methods and metrics we can follow to make progress? How can we all do our part as individuals to contribute to the collective effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming?

First step: Understanding your carbon footprint.

We can calculate the contribution of the average citizen of each country by dividing its total emissions by its population. Lot of variables to consider while looking at bigger level, it changes from country to country. 

But, Let's just focus on individual level for this discussion, How to look at individual level of emissions. What matters at individual level to the amount of carbon footprint they are leaving behind:

Natural Resources Consumption: 

In our daily lives, we consume a certain amount of electricity, natural gas, and water resources. As a result, we all contribute to a carbon footprint, whether we are aware of it or not, through our use of these natural resources. we have been taking these natural resources around us for granted for too long, and we must be more cautious and rethink our consumption levels.

Travel Choices: 

The way we travel, whether it be by car, plane, or public transportation, can impact the amount of carbon emissions we produce. I'm not suggesting to completely stop traveling, but rather to make more conscious decisions when deciding on modes of transportation.

The Impact of Consumerism on Waste Creation

We live in a society where we are constantly pressured to keep up with the latest trends, whether it is in fashion or technology. Our lifestyles have evolved to the point where we are constantly upgrading our electronic devices and buying new clothing items to keep up. Constant consumption is not only bad for the wallet, but also contributes to a significant issue: waste creation. It's not too late, though. We can reduce our impact on the environment as consumers by taking certain steps. The most effective way to reduce your carbon footprint is to purchase items that last and can be repaired or recycled easily. We can also make a conscious effort to buy from companies that have sustainable practices in place.

The Environmental Impact of Our Food Choices:

The food choices we make also impact the environment significantly. Every year, an average person produces seven tons of greenhouse gases as a result of their food footprintEco-friendly food choices can reduce our food footprint. One of the most effective ways is to reduce our consumption of meat. A plant-based diet has a significantly lower impact on the environment and is also healthier for us. The choice of local, seasonal produce also reduces the distance our food has to travel, resulting in a reduction in emissions.Organic farming and regenerative agriculture are also farming practices that prioritise the environment. As part of reducing our food footprint, meal planning, storing foods correctly, and composting can also help.

It's all overwhelming isn't it? Good thing is we can change our habits and consumption levels. We can find alternative sources or just adjust our habits for better. With small changes, we can make a big impact on the environment.

UN Carbon Footprint Calculator

Understanding the consequences:

Carbon emissions have a range of negative consequences on the environment and human health. 

The primary consequence is climate change, which can lead to rising global temperatures, more frequent and severe weather events, and changes in precipitation patterns. 

  • ​can lead to sea level rise, which can flood coastal areas, and more severe heatwaves, droughts, and storms.
  • can have a negative impact on agriculture, and harm wildlife and ecosystems. water shortages in some areas, affecting access to clean water and potentially impacting food production.
  • can disrupt transportation by causing flooding or landslides, making it difficult to commute to work or school.
  • can also cause changes in local plant and animal life, which can affect outdoor activities such as fishing.
  • The melting of Arctic sea ice and glaciers is affecting the habitats of polar bears and other Arctic wildlife.
  • Air pollution can lead to various health problems like respiratory problems.

The list just keeps on... so let me stop and let you decide why it is so critical to take action.

Ways you can help achieve net zero emissions:

Do you drive to meet friends, forget to turn off lights when leaving a room, or leave the tap running while brushing your teeth? If so, you are contributing to your carbon footprint and wasting natural resources. 

Reduce your carbon footprint:

When avoidance is not possible, we should turn to carbon offsetting. No matter how small you do to reduce your carbon footprint, whether it is eating less meat, gardening on your balcony, or carpooling or even just using a reusable bottle, every single step counts.

Support clean energy: 

Reduce energy consumption at home by turning off lights and electronics when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and properly insulating your home.Use LED light bulbs and low-flow shower-heads to save energy and water. 

Invest in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, or purchasing green power from your utility company.

Steps towards Green future:

While achieving green future is not an easy task, there are small steps you can take to make significant difference. 

It's important for each of us to take a few important steps to make our home more sustainable, such as increasing recycling, reducing plastic usage and educating our children about these practices. By taking these small steps towards sustainability, we all can contribute to achieving net zero goals.