What is sustainability?

"Avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance." - Oxford Dictionary.

The Oxford definition of Sustainability may seem simple, but it's a unique, multidimensional concept.

In theory, sustainability refers to the ability to sustain or preserve something over time, usually a balancing act between meeting present needs and preserving natural resources and systems for future generations.

Sounds simple, right? We're all convinced that we're not wasting anything unnecessary. But are we sure? That extra carry bag you bought in shopping, not just that extra bag, but also the superfluous goods we purchased for the day.

Are we mindful about our consumption habits? How can we reduce the impact of natural resources in our everyday lives? When you ask yourself these kinds of questions, then you are ready to understand Sustainability.

Why is it important to understand sustainability?

The concept of Sustainability isn't new. In fact, it has been present since the beginning of time, starting with the recognition of Earth as a mother, and has sought to preserve and protect it. From the time of the Industrial Revolution to the modern world, our focus seemed to drift away from sustainability and environmental preservation. For millennia, we have pushed the boundaries in pursuit of development and wealth. However, We are at a crossroads with reality, and the choices we make now will have a huge impact on the future of our planet. As we enter the 21st century, we are beginning to understand the consequences of such infringement and experience the impact of environmental degradation.

Our planet is facing unprecedented challenges, climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and resource depletion are just a few of the tremendous issues. Although technology and industry have advanced greatly, we also hold responsibility for these issues. The good news is that it's not too late to turn things around. It's time to re-evaluate our priorities and recommit to sustainability and environmental protection.

But, implementing sustainable practices and addressing the damage that has been done over the past few hundred years can be a  complex and challenging task. Let’s be honest; The process won’t be easy and it will require collaborative efforts from governments, businesses, and individuals. By embracing sustainability, we can improve our lives and the planet we live on.

What concrete steps can we take in strategic ways to improve?

  • Make Sustainability as Priority - Adopting eco-friendly activities should be mandatory for everyone, whether they are individuals or organizations. This not only benefits the planet, but it could also have significant economic and social impacts.
  • Adopt to Sustainability Frameworks - There is No one framework that can fit all. However, it is important to find a framework that works best for your specific needs and goals.
  • Integrate sustainability into the culture - While it may not be possible for everyone to become an environmental specialist overnight, we believe that each of us can become an ambassador for earth by working as an environmental representative inside organisations and communities.
  • Be Agile - Learn by doing, testing and sharing
  • Build a community of practice - We all need motivation at some point. The collective learning of the community forms a link among the group, and produces superior results.